
“Dedicated to my mother”

In “Aderlass/Salasso” I put myself in relation to a diary of a woman, written during the darkest and and at the same time most liberating hours of her live. She read and told me of that time. I recorded the talk. While I listen to the recorded audio-fi le, I gives voice to her words. This becomes a cathartic act, both for the woman and myself. I becomes the voice and interpreter of a true story.

This process of identifi cation and overlapping makes doubts on a culture model rise, which identifi es gender-violence only as a problem of women. But it affects also (ad particularly) men. The story of the woman, becomes my own story. I appropriates her story by telling it. And in this way I free the woman and myself from the relation to gender-violence. With “Aderlass/Salasso” I tries to re-defi ne male identity, which nowadays seems to be affected by a deep crisis.


Video installation(video-performance for the opening of the exhibition “Cose da uomini / Männersache” 2014)

Salasso2 Salasso3

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