Schermata 2015-05-07 a 16.20.02

“When you watch a portrait you don’t see just a face, but you can see what’s behind that face. What’s behind, is personal projections. So, what’s hidden behind a portrait is you!”  B.Steinegger, notes for ‘The Casting’

THE CASTING is a performance, where some staged portraits are ‘drawn’ live, together by local, not-professional-performers and a conductor (me, B.Steinegger, author of the project). By portraying themselves, staying inside the ‘frame’ given by the conductor, the performers become part of a process, which makes them look at themselves from a different point of view.THE CASTING speaks about the courage of these performers to question what and who they are, what they could be and what the world, they are living in, is and could be. They question that everything has to be as it is. To look at oneself from a different point of view, means already to change something. ‘The Casting’ speaks about the origin of this change; of every change. The audience becomes captured by this process.


ph. Alessandro Sala

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